Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Here's the current model for today's "superstore". They greet you at the door, "Welcome to [insert store name here]!" While you're browsing, they bug you 50 times, "Do you need any help?" Most of the time, you decline, but when you actually DO need assistance, they have no clue. Then they ask you at the checkout, "Did you find what you were looking for today?" and you say "Yes" 100% of the time, even if it's not true.

I used to love to go into a store and the employees knew what they were selling. For example, if you were looking for a certain record, you used to be able to go into a small independent record store and you could get some actual info on it. The employees knew what they were talking about. But those places are disappearing fast, replaced with these big stores where they look at you strange and just type it into a computer. Great, I could have done that.

That's the problem with people today: they don't really "know" anything, they figure they can always Google it. I call it the Googlization of America.