by Kris Salo

Ugh, I hate this sh!t . . .
Here's the thing: football rewards the guys with the most testosterone. It's a cut throat sport where guys literally try to remove their opponents heads in a nice, clean, family-friendly way.
I don't like Randy Moss, I don't like Terrell Owens, but you know what? I don't f-ing care how they celebrate. It makes me want them to get leveled even more, but they go out there and they are pretty good players and they are risking their bodies on every play. If they want to celebrate for a play well done, so be it. Was Randy Moss's celebration in bad taste? Certainly. Was it obscene? That depends on how you define obscene. 50 years ago it was obscene to show a cow's udder on TV . . .
The thing that bugs me is the incredible hypocrisy that exists here. Football condones the guys that go out and celebrate by pretending to fire a machine gun into the crowd. This shows a good all-American boy who is . . . what now? Murdering everyone around him? But Moss fake mooning the crowd is the thing that gets 1000s of complaints . . .
I personally think Warren Sapp dancing in any manner is obscene and football really needs to take strides next year to fine him every time a piece of his 450 pound frame jiggles.