Thursday, January 13, 2005

By Kris Salo

I don't know if any of the news from France gets through over there . . . I mean what American wants to hear about France? But anyway, there's a huge stir here over the remarks of acclaimed racist and frequent presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen for comments he made. The news media here always shortens these remarks to make the most of removing the context . . . here's the longest statement I have heard regarding his comments:

"It's true . . . that if we compare the German occupation of France with the occupation of other European countries, proportionally, it's in France that this was the least painful . . . This does not mean that the Germans didn't bring their politics, to have racial deportations, political persecutions and a campaign against the Resistance."

Now, on the radio I heard the following comment:

"The German occupation of France was not particularly painful."

Two things: the German occupation of France was LESS painful than say Poland or Russia; it may not have been the best (and no occupation is particularly good - except the Americans in Iraq of course), Denmark was not on the level of Poland or Russia either, and its up to the academics to argue more or less painful. But the thing here is that contrary to the original report that I heard (and only after I attempted to find the real comments) my impression was that LePen basically said that the Germans treated the French well. What the reporters have said, and what the truth is are different. 2nd, the French were treated better (than the Poles) because they rolled over like beagles and allowed the Germans to climb between their legs and have their way with them . . .

The second set of comments from LePen had to deal with a town here in France where the retreating Germans locked all of the residents in the central church and proceeded, in very methodical fashion I'm sure (they were Germans), to burn the church down. I can not find the original quote, but from what I have discerned, he said that more investigation needed to be done because it isn't 100% sure that it was the Germans. I don't know the whole story, and can't find the original quote, but for me this seems to be at the base of free speech: he is questioning the history that has been held as true for 60 years.

Free speech not withstanding, he'll probably get jail time for this, although it may be suspended since he's 80ish . . .

Rob's reply:

Didn't that "burn the Church down with the folks inside" happen during the American - English war of 1776? Or at least it happened in "The Patriot", in which Mel Gibson played Pontious Pilate. That's some country there, that France. They give Michael Moore awards for making up history, and this guy gets jail time for trying to set it straight.

Whilst I am in a foul mood and in front of my PC, I will spill some bile that has been building up for the last week or so.

I haven't given any money to the tsunami relief funds, and I don't plan on it either. Every time I see footage from Malaysia, they are wearing Osama bin Laden T-shirts and shouting "death to America". Hey, I heard bin Laden has deep pockets. Maybe he has some money for you. Now one of their corrupt leaders says all foreign military must be out of there by the end of March. I'm sure things will be good as new by then.
Luckily in Malaysia "good as new" means people living in houses made of excrement.

Brad and Jen broke up. *yawn* These Hollywood types can't stand EACH OTHER for very long, how long am I supposed to be able to put up with them?

Randy Moss was fined for being crude. I was deeply offended by his actions. I wish that FOX had quickly cut away from the touchdown catch and gone directly to the wholesome dick drugs and women-with-big-tits-drinking-shitty-tasting-beer commercials. I suppose the people of Green Bay were offended? What can you do to offend people who wear oversized wedges of plastic cheese on their heads?

*Story from Atlanta: "A federal judge Thursday ordered a suburban Atlanta school system to remove stickers from its high school biology textbooks that call evolution ``a theory, not a fact,'' saying the disclaimers are an unconstitutional endorsement of religion."

The story then goes on the explain the position of the Judge, the ACLU, the school board and the principal. Hmmmm, seems like the opinion of scientists and religious scholars might be useful here, but no I'm sure judges and lawyers can iron out the unanswerable questions that have plagued mankind since the beginning of time, or for at least 5000 years, depending on whom you ask.