The foiled terror threat in Toronto (6/3/2006)
The foiled terror threat to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago (6/23/06)
The foiled terror threat to blow up New York's tunnels (7/8/2006)
The foiled terror threat in Australia (11/8/2005)
Let's not forget the foiled terror threat in L.A., which was planned in 2002, which Bush only told us about on 2/9/2006.
Oh, and the other 10 foiled terror threats that were announced back on 10/7/2005.
Man, that's a lot of foiling! I really think we are going to win this war on terror!
Remember, people, our current airline terror alert level is CODE ELMO, REPEAT, CODE ELMO!!!

Elmo: Flights from the UK
Ernie: All commercial flights
Bert: Everything else