Thursday, December 23, 2004


Why do people spit gum into the urinal? I'm sure they had to pass at least ONE GARBAGE CAN on their way there. Then it ends up there for months because no one wants to dig in there and retrieve it. I think people that do that should be forced to take it out of there and resume chewing it. (JK)

How did "television" become shortened to "T.V.", while the "telephone" became shortened to "phone"? Why don't we say, "Hey, could you turn down the vision, I'm trying to talk on the T.P.!!!" (RV & JK)

I noticed while compiling the Top 500 that the Beatles are the only band that doesn't allow "sound bites" of their songs on any commerce websites. Why? What's the point? Do they think that people can take that low quality mono snippet and create a perfect sounding stereo clone of the entire song, like it's DNA? I blame Michael Jackson. Maybe I should sue him for molesting the Beatles catalog. (JK)

We realized that Moe Syzslak has so many great quotes on "The Simpsons". Here's one from "The Springfield Files" where he's hooked up to a lie detector. (RV, JK)