by Robert Vertullo

I've mentioned before that I watch the food network all the time. Still, I have no idea why, all I ever make is grilled chicken. Anyway, there is a show called "Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee". I find it funny because what Sandra does is show you how to make store bought items seems homemade. In other words, you combine all the effort, time and expense of homemade cooking with mediocre quality ingredients you find in frozen aisle at Safeway, and end up with a lot of pots and pans to clean. Now Sandra herself is sort of a cross between Betty Crocker and Barbie. So it was particularly funny to see her make a Kwanza cake and a Star of David cake. And of course every other sentence out of her is "and these are SOOO easy!" Well no, they are not, but just buying an Entenmann's would have been twice as easy and half the price.