As you might know I'm a huge music fan, and man, do I really dig these "mashups". Basically, it's a song remixing technique where two seemingly dissimilar songs are sonically "mashed" together with unexpected, and sometimes amazing, results. You might have heard an example of this on a recent Audi commerical from 2004, where David Bowie's "Rebel Rebel" and "Never Get Old" were mashed together into a whole new piece using elements of both songs (which is called "Rebel Never Get Old").
DJ Mark Vidler (whose blog looks astonishingly like mine) and Go Home Productions have created some of the best versions of this new remix artform that I've ever heard. I recently heard the mashup called "Rapture Riders" on an internet radio station. This one features the bizarre marriage of Blondie's "Rapture" with The Doors' "Riders on the Storm". I know, it sounds weird, but you have to hear it.

This one is intriguing, and I can't imagine what made them fit these together: "Ray Of Gob", mixes Madonna's "Ray of Light" vocals with the Sex Pistols' "Pretty Vacant" and "God Save The Queen". Let's face it, this should not work, but pierce my nostrils if it doesn't!!!
And if you've been dying to hear both The Beatles "Day In The Life" and Radiohead's "Karma Police", well, this should save some time: "Karma In The Life".