Friday, February 18, 2005


by Kris Salo

-The f-ing EU. Why do they insist upon making Monopoly money...Wait scratch that, at least Monopoly money doesn't fall apart in your hands. I was going to buy bread today and had a fiver that was a little beat up. So, like most people, I tried to pull the sides apart to straighten it out...Disintegrated! It didn't rip because that would
insinuate that gave resistance. Imagine pulling apart a piece of wet Wonderbread...That's what happened. Have you ever had a US bill rip apart like that?...I've had them rip, but is usually caused by two people pulling hard on a bill. How can you trust a government (or pseudogovernmental overlords) that get(s) their money on the cheap?

-What business do Nelly and Tim McGraw have singing together? And that song really really sucks...

-Speaking of inconsistencies in the EU. Jack Chirac is pushing the Spaniards to pass the SPANISH referendum on the EU constitution. Problem being a majority of the French will probably vote against it when it's put to a referendum here. I guess it's kind of like GWB pushing for human rights in other countries while at home...